#CreatorStories: From Makeup Artist to 7 Figures in Content Writing: How Busayo Joan Changed her Life.
Busayo Joan is a captivating content writer whose relatable posts have captured the hearts of many people on the internet today. In this week’s Creator Stories, she shares how she got into content writing in 2021, and how she’s been able to grow her following to 50,000 people in less than four years. She also delivers valuable wisdom for younger content writers who are looking to grow on the internet.
This is Busayo’s story.
Hey Busayo, please tell us a little bit about who you are.
My name is Busayo Joan Orisasona. I’m a content writer and storyteller. I also do content reviews as well. Aside from being a content writer, I am a graduate, currently interning at a Law firm in Lagos.
What was your career journey like before you became a content writer?
Okay, so before content writing, I was into makeup artistry. I was passionate about building a makeup empire up until 2021 when I got a change in my life’s direction to pick up content writing. Being a makeup artist was pretty stressful. Content writing never crossed my mind because I was like, how am I even going to juggle both things?
I always felt like I would be good as a makeup artist right from secondary school. I think I always told people around me that I was going to be a makeup artist. You know when you have a passion for something and you eventually try it and you’re good at it?
Yeah. So how did you become a writer?
In 2020, during COVID, we had to be back at home from school, doing nothing. I fell into a bad spot in my life. It felt like I had no sense of purpose. I had nothing to look forward to. So I started writing poems. In secondary school, I had a teacher who told me I’d be good at writing, but I never took it to heart. So, during COVID, I would write poems, very sad poems.
Fortunately for me, I applied for a poetry mentorship program and I got in. Even though the mentorship program was just based on polishing my skills as a poet, it also made me see that, okay, poetry doesn’t have to fit into a certain box. You can tell a story while writing a poem. So, it changed my line of thought regarding the way I should write, how I should write, and the things I should write about.
From poetry to content writing. When did you make this change?
There was a buzz for content writers in 2021-2022 and my friends made me try content writing. Initially, I was like, oh no, I love telling stories. I can’t help but write in a way that tells a story. And they were like, wait, instead of just writing stories, why not write relatable content that immediately people see it, they get the point?
So I did. When I started content writing, I wrote about healing as a person. Steps to heal, steps to navigate your relationships, all of that.
Thank God for good friends. Do you write content for yourself or for clients as well?
Yes, I have clients now. When I first started, I was like, I’m just going to write this thing for myself and my audience. But now, I have people I write for.
There is a certain client I’m working with at the moment, and the money they’ve paid me is the total sum I’ve earned from every person that I’ve ever worked with. It’s quite a lot. And if I said the amount out loud, people would be looking for me.
Give us a ballpark.
Okay, let me count my fingers. One, two, three, four, five, six. Yeah, seven figures.
Wow, that’s amazing. Show us the way.
That’s why I said it’s quite a lot for someone who never thought they were going to build something that good out of this.
I’m so happy for you.
Thank you!
Your Instagram account grew a lot in a very short time. Can you tell us what that was like?
So when I started growing my account in 2021, I was supposed to be putting in effort, but I slacked. I kept comparing myself with other people. I felt like I had let down myself and I wanted to be in a certain position then. So I kind of forgot that everything takes time, even if it seems slow. Good things take time to come into manifestation.
When this year started, I was on, I was on, 13,000 followers, and now I’m on 50,000.
I didn’t get my big break until October 2023. When my posts weren’t doing as great, I was like, should I just copy someone’s content? But then my sisters were like, no, you have to remember why you started writing in the very first place. Your style cannot be like everybody’s own. You cannot speak to everybody in the same way. Just keep writing.
What would you say has helped you grow as a creator?
I would say it’s being quick to catch up to trends and ensuring they align with your brand message. Many trends will come and go, but your brand image will remain. Also being original such that when people are reading your work or watching your videos, they can know that it came from your heart.
Consistency has also played a part. I cannot emphasize how important it is to be consistent as a creator. It might seem like nothing is coming forth, but when you stay consistent as a creator, when people finally get to know you, there will be something for them to look back on and be like, oh no, this person didn’t just come from nowhere. This person has been in the game for longer than we could imagine. And it will make them want to stick around now to the idea of who you are as a creator. There are days when I don’t even want to show up. I’m just tired. But still, it’s very important to be consistent.
How do you come up with ideas for what you write about?
That’s my favorite question. Half of the time, the things I write about are born out of my own experiences and those of my friends. I look deep into, okay, how can this resonate with people? How can this connect with my audience? There are also times when maybe I’m watching something and I’m like, wait, we can create content out of this thing.
Then by reading other people’s work. And I’m not saying plagiarizing people’s work, but as a creative, when you consume other people’s content, it inspires you to create.
What are some challenges you’ve faced as a content writer, and how have you overcome them?
Feeling like I’m not better than other people in this field. There will be times when you know that you’re supposed to be getting certain opportunities, but they are not coming to you. You’re barely seen for the work you do, and you want people to take a chance on you, but somehow they never do.
When this year started and I was on 13,000, there was a time when my visibility went down. It was like I was just talking to myself on my page. For the amount of effort I put in, people didn’t even see my content. That was painful for me. As a content writer, I’ve also had issues with wanting to be perfect. And writer’s block.
How I’ve overcome these issues is first by realizing that what is meant for you will always find you. If a client is going to contact you for a certain job they will be willing to pay you more than expected. And this is something I’ve decided to hold on to.
It has worked wonders for me. Gone are the days when I used to overthink. If a client is meant for me, they are going to come to me directly. If they are not coming for me, then it’s probably not in the path of my life yet.
I’ve also come to accept that there will be constant highs and lows in your creative journey, whether you like it or not. There will be times when people will not see you, even though you are putting in effort. And there will be times when all of a sudden, it will be like somebody put a torchlight on you and your content.
And as for being a perfectionist, I’m still struggling with this. If you’re someone who has big dreams, you would want everything to work out in a certain way.
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Final advice for young creators out there?
Number one, keep creating. You never know who is watching your content. Keep making your videos and putting yourself out there. Someday, people are going to stumble on your content and it’s going to open doors for you.
Also, don’t restrict yourself to one form of creativity. It’s okay to niche down as a creator, but while doing that, don’t let your content be boring. Touch on a lot of topics as well, to express your creativity. Give out content in a way that people are always eager to engage with your work.
Another thing: collaborate with other creators. Don’t be shy to message people you look up to in the creative space. Some might reply, and others might not. That’s just the way life is. Your manner of approach is very important, but never be scared to approach people that you look up to in the creative space.
And lastly, give out quality content. Everybody has a beginning, but constant practice makes perfect. Keep looking for ways to make yourself better as a writer and content creator. Whether we like it or not, even though we are creating first for ourselves, people are also consuming our content. So spice things up while remaining true to yourself.