How to Create Coupon Codes on Selar
How to create coupon codes as a merchant or creative on selar. Types of coupons you can make available to customers and how they can go about applying them.
Coupon codes are a great way to offer discounts to your customers and incentivize them to make purchases. It improves sales and is also a good way to reward customer loyalty.
Selar makes it easy to create coupons for your products. You can create a coupon for a specific product, or for all the products in your Selar store.
How to create coupon codes on Selar
Step 1: From your dashboard, click the three stacked lines beside ‘my account’ to access the coupon option. Afterward, click on the coupon option at the left corner of the screen.
The next step takes you to the coupons page. From the coupons page, you can change existing coupons or create a new coupon.

To create a coupon, click on the “create coupon” button. Then enter the code you want to use, percentage discount or fixed amount discount (you can set both), and the quantity.
Setting the quantity limits how many people can make a purchase with the coupon code, but if set to 0, it will be unlimited.

Click the “create coupon” button when you’re done. Afterward, you can share the code with your customers to get the discount you set.
PS: You can deactivate or edit the coupon anytime you want from the coupon dashboard.
Here’s a video to see how to create coupon codes for your store.
Get started by creating a FREE account on Selar if you haven’t.